Broken Purge Unit Pixma IP5200


Getting Fingers Dirty
Feb 14, 2011
Reaction score

Synopsis: BNIB canon ip5200 stored away unopened for a few years. Upon setting up, paper jammed, cleared but printer then displayed error 12 flashing lights. Took the entire case off, and realized that the gears controlling the purge unit? (the graphite tabs & wiper assembly on the right of the printer, below the print-head in its far right position) were sticking. Flipping the printer revealed that there was a small white plastic piece, cylindrical in shape, about 1 cm long & .5 cm in diameter loose in the cylindrical casing between the control circuit boad and the purge unit. This piece is jamming the gears, preventing the purge unit from moving properly. It is just a little too big to pull out through one of the openings. Loosening the piece to allow for some purge unit movement results in error 5a00, 4 flashing lights.

Does anyone have any idea what this piece is, how essential it is, and how to get it out of the cylindrical casing?

I can't find anything that describes a detailed disassembly, specifically how to remove and/or open this unit.



Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
Printer Model
Canon MP990
Hi Mediokrates.

The Canon part number for the purge unit is QM2-2252-000. A Google search on that number brings service manual: and Parts catalogue: There are no instructions for repairing the purge unit, if defective it is replaced as a unit.

The google search also brings suppliers of the purge unit inm the UK: and and one in Germany: The purge unit is called Pumpe in German.

I don't know where you are located. Google may find a supplier close to where you live.

I hope this info will help you bring this very nice printer back to life.



Getting Fingers Dirty
Feb 14, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks Peter,

I'd seen the first manual, which is basically useless for a teardown, other than to tell you how to take the casing off. I hadn't seen the 2nd manual before, but both will probably be useful in putting things back the way they were.

However, I plugged ahead last night... and managed to figure out how to remove the purge unit. I took it apart, and found that the loose part had not broken off, just come loose. Inside the cylinder there are 2 compartments, each with a spinning carousel. Each carousel has a cylinder that plugs into one end, and runs free at the other. They come loose really easily. I put it back together, having the hardest time figuring out how the purge tubes fit inside. Anyway, the purge unit is back together, and the units move perfectly now...

I mentioned in another post, that I noticed that there are 2 gears on an axel at the back of the purge unit, with each gear on either end. I mentioned that when the printer started up, the inner gear was spinning, but the outer one was not. As the outer one is in direct contact with the other gears in the purge unit, this meant that the unit was not functioning. Apparently what has happened is that the mount on the inner gear has been worn away. As the loose piece inside the cylinder prevented motion, the motor applied enough pressure on the inner gear to strip its mount, which is normally shaped like a D, but is now shaped like an O. This means that the inner gear rotates around the axel when the printer applies pressure on it... thus not turning the axel and not activating the purge unit.

I will attempt to plastic cement it into place... if that doesn't work, I'll see if I can find a replacement gear at a hobby shop.
Oh yeah... I also mentioned in my related posts that I had found a small open washer when I shook out the bottom casing. This apparently fits over the end of the gear in question, locking it in place.

Then I just have to figure out where all the screws go :)