Hi Everyone! I am new to the group and have been searching for a long time to find the perfect laser printer to add to my art business. I NEED your help and input! I currently have and love my Canon Pro 100 PRIXMA, I use it for my fine art prints and she is consistent, reliable and prints are...
What is the artistic term for a cheap print of an artist's work?
I'm buying frames with beautiful matting from thrift stores for less than $5 and in most cases destroying the art in the process of repurposing them for my photographs. The artwork is of a painting by some famous artist. I wish...
Viewing photos on the web at Facebook resolution, most of your work looks great. It's when you print that art where the rubber meets the road. Before I bought this Pro-100 printer I had many photos in mind I wanted to print, some 8x10, but only a handful at 13x19. Now I have doubts. The...