Hello Nifty Stuffers I'm back reviving this old thread,so far I haven't managed to fix my printer still the PGBK nozzle check is missing or great part of it,last weekend I removed the print head and put under a stream of hot water in the sink I repeat the procedure couple of times also soaked a...
Thanks for your response jtool,I already tried another cartridge with same results also I haven't tried any unclogging procedure so far. On a side note the cartridges are refilled with Hobbycolors Ink using the german method.
Hello to all niffty sttufers out there. A couple of days ago I ran into a problem with my old reliable IP4300. I was printing something for my son and I noticed that the pages that I print were only showing pictures and no text on them ,then I print a test page from the printer's property page...