By mistake I bought third party CLI-521 and PG-520 cartridges with ARC instead of CLI-821 and PG-820 for Canon IP3680.
Now the printer refuses to print and says the cartridge installed is not CLI-821...
Is there any workarounds which allow me to use 521s instead of 821s??
Yeah, I meant Photo Paper.
Here in India, I get either Canon or Kodak or HP papers or else I need to settle for unbranded or re-branded photo papers mostly from China.
I will check this link (http://www.patronenhandel.de/shop/en/Pa Fotopapier)
I ordered Precision Colors ink, Its on the way.
In the mean time, I would like to know where you buy "value for money" papers online?
And which papers go well with Precision colors ink?
I might also have to import some papers. Please suggest...
Thank you for the suggestions. I think I will go with any of these.
While reading about these inks, I came to know these inks are closer to OEM inks in characteristics.
Does this mean I really do not need any Custom ICC profiles if I use these inks?
I am new to this forum and I am from India. I love to print my photographs on my own.
I purchased Canon IP3680 (it is IP3600 in US) after doing some research.
In India we get lot of chinese ink which I am scared of trying on my printer.
I did not find any reliable dealers for well know inks...