Suggest a trip to JToolman's Pro 1000 YouTube channel were he currently has 65 videos on the printer!
I guess the 3640 is like a crap shoot - the printer was replaced by Costco over a year ago and I had not one problem since then!
The replacement has been working great (knock on wood!) since then, except the fax mode where it will not send faxes, only receive them but, the printer keeps working.
Too late - I have too much 252XL OEM ink, and I already bought a new WF3640.
Also, Not a big fan of Canon (printers) but I do shoot exclusively Canon digital! :)
I tried he multiple cleanings with overnight resting and no luck. I let the printhead sit on both Windex and (IJM) PiezoFlush saturated folded paper towels overnight and that didn't help. I cleaned the parking pads and wiper blade at the same time (as shown by Dana (IJM)) and it had no changes...
Are you using PrecisionColors ink for refilling?
I have been using Epson Printers for some 15 years, and this 3640 was printed on weekly or more often - typically daily as it is my general purpose printer.
Now my R2880 is printing photos maybe monthly or less, but, I have been doing QImage...
How many cleans did it take to go from the first to the final "back to normal" in the example shown above?
Are you using PrecisionColors ink for refilling?
One of the advantages of using Costco is their return policy!
I just brought back my 1 year old WF3640 for a full refund -take that Epson...
So Mikling, Now that I know what I shouldn't have done, do I have a doorstop (with lots of ink) or what are your suggestions to correct my 3640 situation?
Since the carts were OEM, i assumed that air is not an issue.
I parked the heads over Windex soaked paper towels for 2 days (With changes and wiping back and forth like inkjetmall suggested) and the missing bands (and smeared lettering was still there). Next tried using IJM Piezo solution and am...
Since the carts ride on the print head (no tubing), I assumed that air was not an issue! I will try the paper towel-windex soak tonight.
I found an old (2-3 months ago?) nozzle check and it's different, especially the channel labels which are seem to be getting progressively more "smudged" the...
My WF3640 is about 8 months old, used every few days, and worked flawlessly using Epson OEM inks only. Yesterday, I decided to do a routine nozzle check and found 3 small segments missing. I have tried multiple black only cleanings, with resting for several hours between cleanings and also...
What Joe suggested is a real possibility if you let the printer update the firmware - first rule of refillables is to go in and set all updates to NEVER. The old firmware was tolerant of 3rd party refills and the new firmware is looking for a new serial number cyan cartridge!!
If this has...
Hi @bert01980 - what part of the world are you in? (Fill out some basic account infomation!)
If you are in the US, then ONLY OEM ink cartridges will work in the SCP800!
In other parts of the world, non-OEM ink carts are currently useable.
I guess the question is, if Epson can shut out non-OEM...