From DOCS:
Adobe Lightroom primarily uses the Adobe RGB (1998) color space for most of its modules, such as Library, Map, Book, Slideshow, Print, and Web. This color space is larger than sRGB and includes most of the colors that digital cameras can capture, making it a good choice for printing...
Well, I mostly gonna use ProPhoto RGB because almost all my photos are in Lightroom where there is no other color space to work with. That is why I'm "worried" that my photos from Lightroom will be printed out incorrectly. In my previous results I was getting reddish prints from lightroom. After...
You are absolutely right! You saved who knows how many days of trouble! thanks
But how come ProPhoro RGB shows much much brighter color on screen than on print? Is this because ProPhoto RGB gamut is way wider than CMYK?
I was unable to try Epson Adjustment Program to correct skew problem myself as the printer was already at service center, but they told me that no software adjustment was enough to fix the problem. So they sent me another one.
The new printer has almost none existant skew but entire printing...
Photoshop color space: ProPhoto RGB or SRGB:
Printer settings:
Print preview when I set Epson glossy profile:
Incorrect result, excessive magenta
Print preview when I set Epson SRGB profile:
This is closest to original
The colors are also close to original if I set photoshop to let...
Thanks a lot guys for your help!!
Photoshop and printer settings are:
Strange is that there is no red color issue when I'm printing from Epson Print Layout software using glossy profiles! I just don't like it because it has kind of limited features compared to the native driver.
I'm lucky I...
I have third party photo papers until I get some genuine Epson photo papers so there is no proper paper profile to choose from.
When I'm printing on glossy paper using any of these profiles for glossy papers like Photo Glossy or Premium Glossy - prints are coming out reddish, but...
Recently got this printer, have done printhead alignment etc, but no matter which paper feed I choose the prints coming out skewed. At first I thought that the paper feeder gets the paper unevenly but then, after measurements, turns out that the printhead or feeding mechanism slightly...