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  1. R

    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Hey, I really appreciate everyones suggestions and the discussion but I am still no further with fixing my printer, as I am unsure on what advice/ steps I should take/do next. I could clean the print head again but this would be the 3rd time it has been cleaned.I have followed cleaning method...
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    If this is the purge unit as you suggest, is there anything else that I can do to fix the issue?
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    So heres the nozzle check with the new OEM carts installed. I really feel like I'm getting no where :(. Yellow and MBK problem once again. - Added another image of the print head. Why do the cartridges seem like they are overflowing? Is it something to do with the seal? ***On further...
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Yes, I make sure that I shake the ink bottles before hand and they are stored away in a dry safe place. I also make sure that the needles, clips etc are washed every time after use. I also have a resetter too. I purchased the full kit from OctoInkJet I cleaned the yellow cartridge with the...
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Hello, So I carried out @The Hat instructions and ran the nozzle checks this morning. I also found a MBK cartridge filled with 3rd party inks that hadn't been used, so I installed that. Please see the Nozzle Checks attached* The OEM ink cartridges that I ordered have just arrived so shall I...
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    When I flood the purge unit, the water with liquid just seems to sit on top of the pads. When I turn the canon printer off, it then looks as if it is draining the purge unit. Is it supposed to do it this way, or should it have drained already? Sorry about the many questions. I'm very new to this!
  7. R

    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Thank you for such a detailed reply! I shall follow your instructions and report back. Fingers crossed this will work.
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Unfortunately not but I have another full set of OEM cartridges on the way. After cleaning the MBK cartridge and leaving it over night, I reinstalled it this morning and did a nozzle check. Again, the MBK didn't pull through and neither did the yellow again. This is what I saw when I inspected...
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    I flushed the cartridge also and it seemed clean enough to refill with ink. I shall do this again but with pharmacists steps included and leave overnight.
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Hi, So I purged the cart and unit as @The Hat suggested and also ran the cleaning for group 2. I ran another nozzle check afterwards and its not showing the MBK.
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    The solution disappeared once I preformed the Nozzle Check several times. As for the CO, I usually do not have a problem with this cart, so I'm unsure why it is starting to :(
  12. R

    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Ive also attached an image of the inside, if it helps. Sorry its not of the best quality.
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Hello, So I cleaned the PC and GY cartridges throughout as requested and refilled them with Octoink. I also sprayed window cleaner on the absorber pads and left them overnight. Again the solution hardly absorbed. I ran more nozzle checks and then the yellow wasn't pulling through. When I...
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    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Thank you. I shall clean the cartridges as above and get back to you over the weekend hopefully. In regards to the OEM cartridges, I only have Photo Cyan, Photo Magenta and Magenta at the moment. The rest are OEM cartridges that have been filled with Octoink. I moved away from OEM as they...
  15. R

    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Thank you for your reply. I followed your instructions and flooded the pads on the right hand side of the printer. The solution didn't seem to drain quickly at all and seemed to just sit on top of the pads. I did 4 Nozzle checks as requested. Images attached* There seems to be lines through...
  16. R

    Problem with Photo Cyan ink cartridge pulling through - Canon Pixma Pro 10s

    Hello, Im hoping someone can help. Ive been having problems with the Photo Cyan ink cartridge stop working midway through printing for several weeks now. I always run a nozzle check before I start printing and it has been hit and miss for a while now. Recently, the nozzle check will come out...