I’m replacing a capping station in a 3800. I made it all the way in and replaced the part but now but I’m having trouble getting back. I’m stuck at the board paper tray. It won’t lock shut. I’m pretty sure the eject slider is properly positioned all tension springs are back in place. I...
Ok thank you. I already own a P800 but since I’m trying to set up a K7 printer this old 3800 is not replaceable (yet). Used 3800s are around $500, and 3880s $800, I noticed there are a few at $200 that are sold as MK printers only, seems Bob is right about this generic defect.
Bob, you...
Yes this explains everything! I do not believe in coincidences, two major problems arising suddenly after 10 years of perfect health. Your explanation makes sense. My printer’s PK/MK switch failed, PK ink leaked out, I replaced the cartridge, power cleaned and continued. Then, as an extra...
Hello W. Fisher
Thanks for your answer. I’ve just arrived out of surgery and things are worse. At present prints are absolutely blank, there isn’t a single drop of ink reaching the paper. Can you say more about what you mean by “lots of ink priming to get it to flow again?” Do you mean priming...
Hi I just joined; sorry I didn’t make proper introductions. I’m calling from the operating theater. I have my 3800 open on the table and thought with the combined experiences of the master printers on this forum someone might be able to provide guidance as to whether I should perform major organ...