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  1. H

    Specific question on Initializing a Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-1000

    Can a brand new Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 be initialized with Marked empty Canon OEM carts that would be refilled ? In other words can they be refilled with Canon OEM harvested ink then when the 1753 error appears, hold the stop button to disable ink monitoring or would another error appear...
  2. H

    WP4540 poor quality nozzle check

    Hi guys, I am using refillable cartridges and all has been good; now, cyan, yellow and Magenta barely print out a nozzle check, Black is fine, did many cleaning cycles, does not help. How can I clean the head, is it a clogged head? Can I inject isopropyl through the needles that connect...
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    WP4540 Low ink error/Streaks in Magenta

    Hey aeveryone, Though I took out my refillable cartridges to check on ink levels, only the black reset to full, the others are still LOW. Any danger of printer stopping even though cartridges are 3/4 full? Also, doing a nozzle check magenta seems to have breaks in print nozzle test print...
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    Epson WP4540 Service manual/ Stylus 880 bulk

    Hey guys, Is there a place on the web that has the service manual for the Epson workforce pro 4530/4540 either free or to purchase? Also, I loved my old chipless stylus color 880. Love to get a batch of 10 of them new/used/ to cannobolize and use as a cfs/ciss...Anybody know a source...
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    Same Model Epson Printer As A Backup For Parts

    Question for the experts: Let's say somebody has an Epson r1800, workforce 4540. workforce60, workforce 7010 and Epson 3800 and they find online a "broken" one for pennies on the dollar. 1) can a print head from a workforce 4540 or other model simply be switched, is it difficult to do so, or...
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    Is There A Substitute For The Old Ssc Epson Utility 4.3?

    Is there a substitute for the old ssc epson utility 4.3? This utility (Russian designed) reset ink counters, initialized cartridges, thorough cleaning, etc. Is there a substitute that would incorporate more recent Epson inkjet printers? Thanks, jeff
  7. H

    44 Inch Wide Printer 5 Inks Vs 9 Inks 2880 Vs 1440dpi

    Going to Splurge and buy a 44 inch Epson. Two options The T series which uses 5 inks but only has a max DPI of 1440 or the pro series (same family as 7890 which I use) which has a max dpi of 2880DPI When printing out posters of people, will 1440 vs 2880 be noticeable? Also, I will...
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    Refurbished And Lifetime Prnt Count

    Happy holiday all, When a printer in a pro series is sold as refurbished, is the "unereaseable" lifetime print counter rest to zero or reflects total print count as it is? Thanks, Jeff
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    Epson Workforce 4540 Refillable Questions

    Hi, I bought the refillable cartridges with pigmented ink for my WF4540. Came with the ARC chips. Initially it took some inserting the cartridges out and in a few times before it seemed to take, but then it took and printed a lot of stuff perfectly, but almost immediately I began to get...
  10. H

    Help: Epson Stylus Color 880 CISS Magenta Nozzle Clogged

    Hi, I have a Epson stylus 880 (bought in 2001) opened and first used in 2011 with CISS. Magenta won't work, a syringe with isopryl alcohol doesnt budge the clog as NONE of the solution makes headway no matter how much pressure I exert. Is there a way with the thinnest of thin straight pins to...