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    Swapping ET/L series inks to another inks - any special technique?

    Hello guys, It is me again. I just received the 106 CMYK and LC LM T54C inks and I plan to put them in my Epson L1800 which is currently using the 673 inks. I was wondering what will be the most "professional" way to do it? I was thinking just to suck out the inks from the tanks and the inks...
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    Bizarre ink 673 ink performance on L850 and L1800

    Hello again, Been around for quite some time wondering if to change the L1800 original 673 inks to the T54C inks. Because I nearly depleted the T673 inks in the printer I now decided to go for it and order the T54C inks but just before that I noticed something bizarre. Although the L1800 and...
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    Already owned L1800 (change inks in it) or sell it and buy L8180 (8550)

    Hello, I've read a lot of topics regarding ink changing and the current most durable inks but wanted to make sure I got everything right before I do something. Thanks to Ink stained Fingers and his really useful posts I was left with the impression that currently there are 3 best types of ink I...