Search results

  1. randyr5

    ET-8550 (US) firmware update

    I just received a firmware update for the ET-8550 (USA). New firmware OP14O8
  2. randyr5

    Epson ET-8550 Firmware Update

    I just received a firmware update for my ET-8550 (USA). I couldn't find a changelog so I don't know what was done.
  3. randyr5

    Private Brand paper made in Germany

    If a generic brand glossy photo paper says "Made in Germany" on the package, who is the most likely manufacturer?
  4. randyr5

    First time using ArgyllCMS

    Hi, I'm a first time user of Argyll trying to create an ICC profile. Charts created fine, but when I go to scan, Argyll doesn't recognize my i1Pro2. What am I doing wrong? Driver missing? UPDATE: I just noticed that The i1Pro is installed as an "X-Rite Device" in Device Manager instead of an...
  5. randyr5

    ET-8550 What is this lever for?

    What is this adjustable lever for on the side of the 8550 printhead?
  6. randyr5

    New (used) i1PRO2 owner

    I picked up a used i1PRO2, but the iProfiler software won't let me create ICC profiles because it's not licensed for it. How do I go about fixing this? Cost? I downloaded Argyll but am having trouble figuring out how to install. Thanks...
  7. randyr5

    LD Products ink?

    Has anyone purchased ink from LD Products ? Good or someone to avoid?
  8. randyr5

    ET-8550 incoming

    Hi, I'll be getting an ET-8550 on Tuesday. Any do's and dont's as far a setup and testing goes? TIA, Randy
  9. randyr5

    Lot of 16 (2 sets) Empty OEM Canon Cli-42 Cartridges-Cleaned-Ready to Use

    I have two sets (16 total) of Canon CLi-42 ink cartridges. Excellent condition. All carts have been flushed and cleaned and are ready to use. $60 Shipped Thanks...
  10. randyr5

    SOLD: Canon CLI-42/PRO-100 items

    ALL SOLD 1 brand new set of Precision Colors ink for the CLI-42/PRO-100. These are the 2oz. squeezy bottles with caps and needles. SOLD 1 new CLI-42 chip resetter (from Precision Colors). SOLD 1 Canon PRO-100 printhead. New in sealed foil pouch. SOLD Shipping included on all items (USA)...
  11. randyr5

    TS9020 - impressed

    I bought a TS9020 at my local Microcenter a couple of weeks ago for $39.99. Set it up about a week ago and put it through its paces. First impressions: Very small footprint for an AIO printer 6 ink tanks Front and rear paper trays Quiet It does a very good job on color photos. Not pro...
  12. randyr5

    Replacing "setup" carts with setup carts??

    I recently purchased a Canon TS9020. As you know, it came with "setup" carts, which I have heard must be used when initially setting up the printer. I would like to get another set of carts. There are people on ebay selling sealed sets of OEM carts, but they are also "setup" carts. Is it OK to...
  13. randyr5

    Refilling OEM Canon CLI-271?

    Has anyone had success refilling the opaque Canon OEM CLI-271/270 cartridges? With resetters now available I was wondering if I should go that route or get the Precision Colors refillables. This would be for a TS9020 printer.
  14. randyr5

    60ml syringes - 1 lot of 5

    I have 5 60ml syringes. Ordered 5 and the vendor shipped 10, told me to keep them. These have the "Luer Lok" tip, but the "Lok" part can be very easily removed with a utility knife or x-Acto and then you have a slip tip, perfect for flushing/cleaning Canon carts (see picture). If you want, I...
  15. randyr5

    PRO-100/CLI-42 carts

    I'm pretty new to this forum and a relative newcomer to the PRO-100. I watched a ton of Jose's videos on the printer, and on the CLI-42 cart mod, flush, etc. This post is about the carts. I took Jose's advice and got an extra set of empty carts on ebay, drilled and flushed them. I also got the...