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  1. T

    finding discontinued Canon parts for MX860

    I've ordered the ink absorber pads from an online source after Canon told me it would be a long delay. Now, the new source said it looks like Canon is discontinuing the item. Anyone know a source, or something I can cut to substitute for the pads in the Canon MX860? Is it possible to wash...
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    Image Specialists Ink, CLI-221 Yellow ink is coagulating!

    OK, first, this is an amazing group and I would like to thank everyone who has been helping. Stratman, I don't want to embarrass you but you are amazing. I don't know what happened, but I used a syringe to put a few drops of water onto the two pads. It was absorbed rather quickly, then ran...
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    Image Specialists Ink, CLI-221 Yellow ink is coagulating!

    1) Inks are HobbiColors, about 1 year old 2) All OEM cartridges 3) Top fill using squeeze bottles, use chip re-setter on original chips 4) I'll be checking tomorrow and will report after. I'm reluctant to do much cleaning given I've been receiving warnings about full pads the past 2 weeks...
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    Image Specialists Ink, CLI-221 Yellow ink is coagulating!

    Here are the nozzle checks. The first was after I used a hair dryer to dry the print head, the second was about 6 hours later when I went to check again. I've since done a third nozzle check and it is the same as the seond. Thanks again, Tom
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    Image Specialists Ink, CLI-221 Yellow ink is coagulating!

    Yes, I've tried several cartridges. The one I've tried now is OEM, flushed/purged and filled with my usual ink (ink that has been reliable for a couple of years). I recently performed a 2nd nozzle check. I promise no drugs or alcohol (except for a glass of wine with dinner) have been used -...
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    Image Specialists Ink, CLI-221 Yellow ink is coagulating!

    Would appreciate some advice for my Canon Pixma MX860. I've been reading about this issue of yellow ink cartridges that are not working. For the past month or so my yellow has been slowing, now stopped. A few weeks ago a test print looked just like the one in this post...
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    Canon Pixma MX860 printer ink monitor

    Has anyone any advice about refilling and how re-setters work? I have CLI221 Canon cartridges (MX860). They will only take about 3ml of ink while the cartridge is rated at 9ml. Does the re-setter expect use of 9ml in a full cartridge, or is it supposed to show the level in the reservoir. My...
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    Canon Pixma MX860 printer ink monitor

    I find as I recheck a day or so later, if I haven't printed, they are still full. Tom
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    Canon Pixma MX860 printer ink monitor

    Looking into capacities I am beginning to realize the CLI 221 cartridges hold about 9ml of ink and the PGI Black 19 ml. On each refill (when the reservoir is empty) I'm only getting about 3ml into the CLI221s and 6 into the PGI black. After resting, there is no absorption into the sponge...
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    Canon Pixma MX860 printer ink monitor

    What are the consequences of turning off the ink monitor on the MX860 class of machines? I had turned it off and recently decided to try ARC chips, didn't work. Then I got a chip resetter and those results have not been good. (It seems to report too much ink, by the time the reservoir is...
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    How to refill / reset a Canon Pixma MX860 cartridge?

    Are there polls available on this forum? I have received 2 resetters from The fist did not work, the 2nd has arrived and after completely filling and resetting, then refilling some again they are starting to show less than full - however, I did have to refill before they ran...
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    How to refill / reset a Canon Pixma MX860 cartridge?

    Thanks for this info. I have a full set of refilled OEM cartridges that are reported as full. (I've been refilling cartridges over 10 years now.) From observing the cartridge windows the magenta now shows about half full and the pigmented black is down about 1/3. I look forward to hearing...
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    How to refill / reset a Canon Pixma MX860 cartridge?

    Vallejoboy, Have you seen it report accurate ink levels in the cartridges? The last resetter I got is called 'Professionsal' and Redsetter, but it's been a few days and ink levels are still full. I've printed enough and checked cartridges to see the levels have fallen. Regards, Tom C
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    How to refill / reset a Canon Pixma MX860 cartridge?

    I've had the same problem and am looking for a solution. I tried ARC chips but they showed full carts despite ink levels falling. Then I received a blue chip resetter with the same results as you. The vendor then sent the red resetter but that also shows full carts despite ink levels falling...
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    How to refill / reset a Canon Pixma MX860 cartridge?

    Sorry pharmacist, I'm not following your criticism. Are you saying the item on the website is inferior to the one you link to? Is this resetter for the PGI-220BK and CLI-221, it doesn't seem so according to the link? Regards, Tom C
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    How to refill / reset a Canon Pixma MX860 cartridge?

    I just noticed inkproducts has a resetter for the Canon MX860 at: It's over $80 though, a bit rich for my at home use. This comment, however, appears on the page. Regards, Tom C
  17. T

    How to refill / reset a Canon Pixma MX860 cartridge?

    Can these cartridges be refilled and will the chip read the cart as full? (I have a Canon MX860.) Regards, Tom C
  18. T

    ink banding on Canon Pixma ip4200

    Son of a gun. Aren't those folks at Canon clever. By the way, is it much of a job to clean the absorbers? I'm assuming they are pretty full and that is what has caused the banding, or just keep going until the problem comes back. Thanks for the advice. Tom C
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    ink banding on Canon Pixma ip4200

    I've been getting vertical bands of black ink from my Pixma 4200. They are on both sides of paper and slightly offset from the center. A bottom plate cleaning usually solves the problem but it comes back. The first time it took a few months, the last time it came after using an unchipped...