3rd Edition.........29th October 2018
It's Precision by loosness:
Assemble the carriage assemblies, locate in frame, loosen bolts holding the bearings until the assembly slides smoothly, not exactly the "Best Practice" with respect to precision engineering - but if it works, don't knock it...
Go for it, to me building the kit will I hope give me a deeper understanding of what could be done to improve the thing (like a good rap with a hammer), once this 'thing' fires up and I get a decent print I'm not sure what I'll do with it apart from add some improvements,,,,,, Printing pink...
2nd Installment
(IMHO )This transport design is cost effective if particularly bad.
Still haven't read of any complaints so lets carry on...
Nextstep according to the instructions is to fit the Y motor and rear belt guide.... Don't - fit Y motor before the limit switch ( or in Pidgen...
Return it ? It's taken me over twelve months of dithering to buy one.
Anyway I'm not going to allow a few minor challenges to defeat me, I'll wait for a major one to kick me in the goolies (British slang use Google if necessary) Just because some Chinese guy / gal/ other can not tell the...
Anet A2 Build
28th Nov 2018 - progress after 1 week, 1 day, 4 hours.
This includes a week waiting for replacement nuts, bolts, slide nuts, an hour grinding the new slide nuts to fit (either chrome plating on the nuts or anodise on the frame prevented the new bolts sliding into the extrusion)...
well, to update progress on the A2 ... very little.
Drove up north 46 miles to pick it up, actually drove 62 miles 'cause the Sat Nav died on me (portents of things to come?)
Finally collected box of bits, got home and was requested to fix the gutters on the summerhouse.. end to joy.
Well when I get around to building this THING I'll buy a bucket off ebay (around £9.00 1Kg) and see what happens. Problem is I won't know if it's me or the filament (going by previous experiences it'll be me (but like the workman I will blame the toooooools.
I've been reading too much stuff about plastic string, is there any serious difference in the PLA that goes for around £9.00 / 1Kg to that costing £22.00. Or is the difference merely in the profit ?
Me a sceptic ? Nah just old enough to be a realist, but not too old to keep on playing, am picking up the A2 tomorrow, have the welding gear and hammer at hand, will no doubt keep everyone informed with build progress i.e. HELP.....
As a complete newcomer to the world of 3DP and soon to be the proud father of an Anet A2 what filament would be the best to start with ?
(That's assuming I manage to get the thing screwed together and not screwed up!
Thanks for any advice... bet if I get three replies there will be three...
Ah, yes, well, been reading about them for ages, never seen one so have bought one.
Why?, don't know yet, will no doubt find out when I've built it. That appeals to me more than actually printing anything at the moment.
I have no interest in creating toy elephants, pink or any other colour.
If I...