Going back to the issue of this being a circuit/electrical problem... is the problem on the printhead, or on the printer? Because if the problem is on the printhead and I get a new one, then it's problem solved. But if the problem is on the printer and I get a new printhead, I'd be...
Sorry about that. It's a Canon iP3300, using CLI-8 carts. These babies have chips, and I'm not using a chip resetter --- I'm using the "eyeball" method of determining when to refill.... that's why I can say I've never had a cart run out of ink on me.
Is the printer type going to affect your...
Well well.... it seems that we both have the same problem... only for me, it is on an iP3300 and only on the Cyan band. No luck with the eraser and cleaning trick as well, and I can say that I've never starved my cyan of ink.
However, could it be possible that the cyan tank (or foam) isn't...
Nope I don't think it's a burned trace... based on your picture, the bottom of the printhead assembly isn't like that at all... looks as good as new.
My argument regarding warranty (not that it matters) is that even if I used 3rd-party ink, all they could do is to make the nozzles clog up. If...
Thanks for the reply, ghwellsjr. I'm glad to know the problem isn't with the black.
I've taken out the printhead and there is no residual ink on the nozzles, so no problem there. I've tried cleaning off the contacts both on the printhead and on the printhead cradle with a rubber eraser. Then...
Hello everyone!
Been busy for a week with work and a new baby (yay!) and left my printer alone for a while. I come back today and do my regular test print and find out there is an error with the cyan band. Apparently, the lower half of the band is lighter in color (the whole band should be...
Everything is THE SAME. Okay, those were TWO sheets of paper, but they were one-after-the-other on the same ream of paper.
I'm just wondering why the first one is so vibrant in color and the other one isn't.
This is weird. I printed out a picture on my iP 3300 on plain paper but with settings on HIGH, and I was pleased with the very bright and vibrant blue and red colors. When I print out the picture again, without touching the settings, the picture is still nice, but not as bright or vibrant...
Sorry, I thought that was HOW things were done, I did not know that my way was also acceptable, I thought I was doing it wrong. Also got confused with all the bytes and you referring to "specific cartridge in question" and thought that InkMon tracked bytes sent to individual cartridge.
I see. So I can refill ALL carts at the same time, mark them as refilled in InkMon (so that it will show in the text file), use the printer, refill ALL carts again at a later date, and use the same number of BYTES (but different values for ml based on how much I actually injected to top up the...
Yes, bytes. Sorry about that. Also got your point about using the values between "Cart changed" messages.
One specific question:
Do I have to do this ONE CARTRIDGE AT A TIME (like your example above), or can I use the resultant BYTES to calculate for all carts, provided I refill them all at...
1. Yes, I refill my carts in a "batch" meaning when I refill one, I refill them all. I don't usually wait for the ink in the chamber to be used up, if it is low (1/4 or lower), I usually refill.
2. Gotcha.
3. Yes, I take note of how much mL I inject in each cartridge.
4. I set mine at 12...
"Each week or two"??? I tried this with my iP1300 and it's not enough. Now I'm doing DAILY prints (nozzle check 4x, maybe a clean or two) to be on the I'm-really-paranoid side of things.
Should I expect 3 or 4 columns (one for c, y, m, bk)? I only have 2 columns, one is a bunch of numbers (2162688), another is the dates (11/20/2008). How do I select the cartridge "color of interest"?
Sorry, should have been more clear. Yes, I've joined the group and I have read the .txt file. That's where I got my default values from. My warnings are set at 50, 25, and 15%.
I actually need more help with the excel file. The 5th line, "Carried forward from previous record," has values on...