So the fox, chicken and corn have to cross the river...oops wrong story.
You have an IP4000R with good circuits and printhead.
You have an i865 with bad circuits and / or printhead.
You have a spare printhead that will fit either, but don't want to risk frying it.
If the printhead is a...
Hi all
I just did my 2nd ever refill: a set of 525 / 526 cartridges via top fill. All seemed to go well: shaved an hour off of last week's attempt and not a drop of ink was spilled :). Just a bit of minor bubbling out of the fill hole on a couple of them where I didn't keep a close enough eye...
That sounds like a nice simple idea that would avoid the potentially tricky calculations. You'd need to TARE before putting the clip onto the tank and removing the seal, or have a spare one I guess. I'll try that when I fill my spare set.
Ah yes, so it does. I'd even missed it when rereading to see if it was actually in there somewhere :(. I was too fixated on finding it near the 'How to use' bit :rolleyes:.
I just did my first ever refill, and it happened to be on 525 and 526 tanks. I did it before finding your handy guide, but at least was able to check I hadn't missed anything important :) ^.
I may be missing something fairly obvious, but in the section below wouldn't it be easier to just...
Something that may be obvious to many, but I and at least one other person missed that you have to connect via USB! I normally use my MG5250 over wireless, so had to dig out a cable to allow me to see how the waste usage and page counts were looking.
Quick tip to avoid too many on / off...