Has anyone successfully flashed an eeprom.
I'm being very naive here, but I can pick up a programmer for as little as £5.00
Having never flashed an eeprom, i wouldn't know where to start though, so where could I get the firmware, could a copy be saved from a working machine using the...
It does go through an intilisation process when putting in to service mode.
In fact, I'd go as far as to say if you didn't know any better, you'd think it was alive and normal.
Self delivery isn't an option, the repair centre is 200 miles away.
The top side covers (the ones between the corner pieces), are a pig to get off.
Remove those first (if you can)
In fact, I broke a couple of clips in doing so.
Even with the covers off, I couldn't see what was holding it.
Now that it's missing a few clips, they are pretty easy to refit and...
After removing all the decorative covers, the internals of the printer is in two halves.
The bottom half contains all the guts of the printer, the electronics, mechanicals etc.
The top half is only held on with a few push tangs (3 on each end).
The top then comes away revealing the actual...
The story goes, that I was a break/fix engineer for about 10 years, fixing PC's and Printers.
Recently my fathers Pixma Pro 10-s developed a print quality issue, so he repalced the print head.
When this didn't fix it, he decided that he would send away to a third party repairer to take a look...