It is a tough call @websnail but its one I will have to make before Monday :)
Im just making enquireries to see what value the 3880 printer has to offset it against the new one.
I have finally come to the conclusion that @cls is right. I never doubted his conclusion but I was hoping he was wrong. Very dissapointing to say that the printer has only clocked up 1700 pages since I bought it in June 2012.
Now is the time to either buy another 3880 or throw the sheets to the...
I have just spoken to Epson who have told me that a fixed repair with a 3 months warrant will cost £540 plus any consumables like ink if required.
Time to decide if its un-economical
I am still confused as to how this device works.
I switched from PK to MK and have printed about 20 A4 sheets of Matte paper with no issues at all.
Today I needed to print on some lustre so I switched over from MK to PK and the status monitor for the PK shows 89%. I removed the PK cart and...
Yes, this topic is well oiled. For those that want to preserve all the data from the RAW file, to me using a smaller colour space that what is available doesn't make sense especially if as printer and ink technology increases. We are already seeing printers with good profiles capable of...
I thought I still had ACR 9.0 installed on th other machine but I must have upgraded it.
Here is the direct link to ACR 9.1
Not sure about the Canon Raw converter but in Adobe Camera Raw the option is at the bottom of the interface
If you work in Lightroom then ProPhoto is the only choice you have
Setting the camera to Adobe is the best option if you only want to use JPG but remember this is only an 8bit file. Setting it to RAW is the best option all round as this will give you either a 12 or 144bit file depending on the camera you are using.
A RAW file has no colour space assigned to...
Here is my submission
This is a photograph I made of the sea defence wall on the South bay of Scarborough on the East coast of Yorkshire.
It was taken with Nikon Full frame camera and 24-70mm lens. The RAW conversion was done in Lightroom and the post processing was done in Photoshop.
I have to agree with you about fewer people printing images and it is a huge shame. To me the journey of making a photograph ends when the image emerges from the printer and you rubber stamp your signature on it.
I hav never really been involved with local clubs but I do hear that even members...
Yes the printer is still printing away. When the new cart was installed, the status monitor went to 100%, its dropped to 74% now but I know by the weight of the cart, it has less than that amount on ink left in it.
The status monitor for the PK ink shows 72% but yet the cart is empty and I mean empty.
I weighed a new cart and from memory it was about 173g and the one I removed weighed 63g but yet the status monitor showed 72%
I put this down to a faulty chip but the same thing has happened to the new...
If your output is always going to be for the web, then sRGB is the way to go but if you want to deviate and possibly go to a printer then stay in ProPhoto for as long as you can.