Hi Ash,
The idea of the method I use is to connect one end of a hose to my kitchen sink faucet andthe other end to the "exit port" (large circular hole on bottom of cart that feeds ink to printhead when it is inserted in the cart carriage), and to run hot water with some pressure into the exit...
I'll add some to the great primer websnail gave.
(Correct me if I'm wrong):
The nozzles are in the printhead.
The cartridges that hold the ink supply sit on top of the printhead.
The purge pads sit underneath the cartridge/printhead unit when it is in the "parked" position (where it returns to...
I have an ip4300 which I purchased in December 2006 and have refilled many times without using a resetter (I used Inkmon to monitor ink levels).
Then in November 2008 I purchased the blue resetter from Michelle. I have used it many times sucessfully and NEVER (so far) gotten the "Ink jet tank...
Hi everyone,
Some kind soul gave me a bag of once used, dried out, OEM CLI-8 and PGI-5 cartridges.
Can you tell me whether you think I should flush them before refilling them?
Flush them all?
Flush only the PGI-5?
Or no need to flush, just refill and seal the exit port and vent?
Anyone had...
When I had a clog in my nozzle print, I followed advice I got from ghwellsjr at:
which amounted to repeatedly putting some drops of distilled water (or windex) on the screens of the clogged cart, as well as on the park...
Hi everyone,
Wondering if you think it would be a good preventative measure to periodically remove the carts and put a drop or 2 of distilled water on the screens and the park pads... Would this avert what might be clogs in the coming? Or do you think it would be a problem for any reason? Just...
I just received my resetter from Michele (Mapsy). It arrived in just couple of days, and worked resetting all my cartridges with Canon's ink monitoring showing them as full. Price was $44 (because I identified myself as a nifty forum member) which included shipping and 2 year warantee. I...
Tin Ho,
I am interested in your method.
Did you purge a PGI-5 cart and then fill it with CLI-8 Black?
How much printing did you have to do before it cleared up your clog?
Once it cleared, did you then swap carts back to PGI-5?
Going from pigmented ink to dye based ink and back doesn't cause...
P.S. At some point in the process the nozzle check was no longer improving. The step that did it for me was dropping the water drops, re-inserting the cartridge into the carriage, closing the cover (allowing the carriage to park), turning the printer off (so no cleaning cycles suck the water...
I learned this technique from ghwellsjr's post of 5/22/08: http://www.nifty-stuff.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=17971#p17971
but I did not do the part of inserting an empty cart. I think he suggested distilled water because it's dropping it into the printhead, so it's got no...
Have you tried dripping either distilled water or windex on the printhead screen and park pads, followed by a clean of the pgi5? I put 2 drops of distilled water on the screen, then replaced the cart. Then I put about 4-5 drops on each park pad (just enough so it doesn't overflow and...
Hi everyone,
After reading the two long posts on resetters initiated by Binkie and Defcon2k re: the RKS vs Sudhaus issue, there have been no other posts on this topic.
Wondering if there are any other thoughts on this issue, as I'm trying to make a decision about purchasing one and am unclear...
Tin Ho,
Thanks for this tip.
My pgi5 cartridge had unknown to me run dry, while I had continued printing -- and I am now pretty sure that was the cause of my clog.
Repeatedly placing drops of distilled water on the pgi5 screen entrance of the printhead as well as the park pads along with doing...
Hi Stratman,
Thanks for sharing your experience. Yes it does sound very similar.
In my case I do know that my pgi-5 cart had run dry. When I checked it, the reservoir was completely empty. And I suspect that I had been printing a while like that.
Now that the distilled water has cleared my...
Hi everyone,
I had some observations as I went through my first complete clogging of my pgi-5 cartridge, which I noticed by the absence of the complete pgi-5 part of the nozzle check as seen below:
nozzle check with clogged pgi-5: [notice that the pgi-5 part of the pattern is completely...
Just thought I'd let you know how this complete clogging of my PGI-5 cart was resolved.
Last night I continued to put distilled water on the pgi-5 printhead screen and the 2 foam park pads, doing repeated pgi-5 clean cycles and nozzle prints.
As I reported last night, this cleared...
I will try to get some windex and do as you suggested.
Yes I did purge and refill all 3 of these pgi-5 cartridges, and I also sensed that it was not a good idea to let it dry completely after purging before filling.
When I purge, I got a small piece of the tubing that fits over the exit port...
I put some distilled water on the screen over the printhead of the pgi-5 as well as on the 2 foam rubber park pads and did repeated clean/nozzle check cycles and I am starting to get the beginnings of the pgi-5 section beginning to appear in the nozzle check.
One thing I noticed is that when...