I was doing some printing a couple days ago when I got a "low" warning for the black ink. I checked the printer status and it showed the LGY was also about 1/2 down, everything else looked full.
So I shut down the printer, took out the carts, and was shocked to find the PM pretty much empty...
Somebody else may be looking for this info so I'll go ahead and post it.
I checked the PC profile downloads and found that Red River Greenpix Matte is a warm paper so I tried that profile (PC42R) and it's a pretty good match, printing a standard test photo. It's a tad dark but the color looks...
Does anyone have this profile? I'm using Precision Color 42R inks. I tried their profile for plain ol' Canon Matte, and the results are just abysmal, probably because the Pro Premium Matte is a warm paper.
If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it.
I just ordered the Pro-100 because of the $48 deal, so I won't be spending any more time on this. My Pro9000 can be my text printer now, since I have enough OCP ink for it to last a few years.:)
Thanks for the help.
My knowledge of the purge unit is very basic, but I assume you're thinking that the pads are getting gunk on the head. If that were the case, wouldn't you have smears all over the place?
Scans don't show the smear at all at a normal size, that's why I haven't uploaded one already, but here's a blowup of a part of the printer test page. (I know the cart needs more ink, I'm reluctant to put more in if I'm going to have to throw it away.) The fact that the smear direction...
The OEM cart that I replaced the Office max cart with has never been refilled before. So I replaced the Office Max cart (been refilled several times) with an OEM cart that had never been refilled before, and they both blur the same. Pretty weird. (I keep saying "blur"; it's not blurring, it's...
I've had this little printer for about 4 years and haven't used OEM ink in it for several years. I just use it for text printing and it's used OEM ink, carts from Office Max, and most recently OCP ink with no problems. I use the black ink cart only. Recently it started showing horizontal...
I bought my first OCP inks for my Canon Pro9000II in May 2012 then bought the next batch in Sept 2013. I had run out of yellow and bought the whole set of 8 because the minimum order is $30. I just recently got around to opening the rest of the colors and found them to be really different from...
Well, the mystery continues...
In my post Feb 9 I wrote that the problem of the black ink "skipping" was fixed by switching to a "new" cart. (Reused cart filled with OCP ink.) Since then I've done a lot of printing with no problems until about 2 days ago, when I started having ink starvation...
Although I did have head problems, with several other colors having white bands in the head check, it turns out the faint white line in the black block was a bad cart.
Last night I started to print some text on plain paper, which I haven't done before with this printer. I noticed that the...
After getting my printhead to a state where it seems to work okay, I find there's still a very faint white line in the black block when I print a nozzle check. Rather than doing a bunch of head cleanings that waste other colors, I thought I'd just print some sheets of black ink. When you put a...
It's aliiiiive!!!! Kinda.:P
After many, many cleanings and soakings with windex & hot water, and many, many, many cleaning cycles in the printer, the white lines are gone! Nozzle checks print normal. But there's a new problem.
Standard test images print too yellow. I've saved every nozzle...
Well... Huh!!! ??? I guess I'll do another windex soak then.
Does anybody have another suggestion? That line pattern has been exactly the same for 12 straight nozzle checks, over the course of more than 12 cleaning cycles, plus windex and hot water, both of which I directed (as well as I could)...
After many cleaning cycles, I was able to print a nozzle check, which was good except for two colors, PC and PM. While the other colors improved and finally lost their white lines over the course of many cleanings, these two haven't changed. So I went back to the windex followed by hot water and...