I've made a picture of the print head after printing a single page of text. I made sure I cleaned the head with a paper towel before I started printing. So all that ink on the edges of the nozzle is coming out the nozzle. Not a single drip of ink is hitting the paper though. Does this look like...
Thanks for the quick replies. This forum really is helpful!
The problem is with the PGBK ink indeed. The nozzle check does not print anything at all for the PGBK. Not a single drop of ink hits the paper. No stripes, no fainted grays really nothing!
But there is ink coming out of the nozzles...
This priter has been standing unused on my desk for over a year. I guess I don't print much any more...
The other day I wanted to print some tickets I bought online. It was then I found out the black does not print any more.
The thing that I can't explain by myself is the fact that there is new...