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  1. L

    OCP K3 ink set: the secret/solution is in the ...magenta !!!

    except the magenta I'm happy with the OCP set and since I can order directly from them they cost almost nothing (less than 1/4 of Farbenwerk). So please could anybody give an idea for the large format ink cartridges OEM Espon. Do I have to stick for those of the Pro 4800 or is the ink in the...
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    OCP K3 ink set: the secret/solution is in the ...magenta !!!

    Sorry but I have to dig out this old thread :) For years I'm using OCP inks on my Epson R3000 und make my own profiles with a Colormunki and use lustre paper most of the time - very happy so far. But recently I had some portraits with people wearing red/magenta cloths and there the lack of...
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    refillable cartridges for r3000 with reset button?

    Hello, I run OCP ink on my R3000 in refillable cartridges. These cartriddges have a battery and must be reset by connecting two Pins on the chip. Today I had to open my moms wristwatch in order to get a battery for finishing a print Job ;-) Are there any cartridges with a small button for...
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    R2400 / ink occasionally leaks puddles onto prints

    On my R2400 I had similar print results. The reason were not the refillable cartridges but a clogged tubing to the waste ink tank. So the ink stood on the pads instead of beeing pumped off. Then the Printhead was wetted by the small ink sea on the pad and dropped that on the paper. Just have a...
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    Easy unclogging of epson printhead.

    I also use a windows cleaner, I think brand doesn't matter. If this fails I would mix pharmacist's cleaning solution with ammonia:
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    Tips on Refilling R2400 cartridges

    I primed and filled my R3000 refillable cartridges via the exit port with one of these adapters: This worked fine and if i remeber right on my R2400 this should also work. It pushes all air out of the reservoir into...
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    OCP K3 ink set

    Just for Information: I mailed OCP when they can offer inks for the R3000. They stated that other things have higher priority at the moment and that they won't offer inks for the Epson R3000 "in near futur".
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    Lidl Photo paper on sale next week

    Have you tried TPI 240g Paper? You get it from Conrad Electronic in Stuttgart from 10x15cm to A3+ all over the year in glossy and lustre.
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    My new printer: Epson Photo R3000 A3+ printer !!!

    Can the counter for the waste ink tank be reset?
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    1st installment of R3000 Refillable carts video posted by Injectcarts

    Do I have to use the original Epson cartridges to initialise the printer or could this be done with the refillable cartridges. If I could sell the sealed original epson cartridges this would probably pay me a set of ink and refillable cartridges.
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    Which refillable cartridges for epson?

    This 3 resetter: works on the autoreset chip fitted cartridges from Mikling (chubs380 on ebay). So I can reset all the cartridges when refilling and don't have...
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    OCP - PIGMENT INK for Epson R2400

    Hi Wolfgang, very appreciated I'll stay tuned. Did you also use TPI paper from Conrad ElektroniK? I like their semi gloss a lot (R2400, IS inks). Regards Lothman
  13. L

    Does ink clog in brass tubes?

    I also put a silicone hose inside the tank (from the end of the brass tube to the bottomof the tank) and always kept a liquid level high enough to prevent drying. I'm 100% shure that this has nothing to do with drying out. I think the chemical reaction, as pharmacist described, is the reason...
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    Does ink clog in brass tubes?

    Hi all, I'm running an Epson R2400 with 3rd party refillable cartridges and Image Specialists inks. I converted the printer with an externa wast ink tank. Because cheap to get an very handsome I use a fuel tank of model aircraft for this purpose. In order to connect the flexible rubber hoses...
  15. L

    Which refillable cartridges for epson?

    I dare to ask again ;) are there any refillable cartridges which can be reset from the user? For example when they were refilled when they were still 50% full. Can the original chips be removed, put on the refillable cartridges and be reset by a resetter. Or can original epson cartridges be...
  16. L

    Help needed deciding between Canon 9000 and 9500 MKII

    Have you found a source for pimented third party ink for the 9500? or refillable cartridges? That's why I took an Epson A3 printer, much better avalaibility of third party stuff.
  17. L

    Which refillable cartridges for epson?

    Thanks Mikling, any chance to reset the autoset cartridges on refill (harware based or softwaretools)?
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    Freeware that can print with color management?

    until end of this year Printfab is shareware, after that I heard about of 25 for the win-Version.
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    Which refillable cartridges for epson?

    My reply wasn't meant as an offend and on a first view of the small pictures they look very the same. And not everyone rips off the lable to look at at internals. :cool: I have a set of cartridges from you. I have problems of inserting the rubber plug of the vent hole. At about 70% depth the...
  20. L

    Which refillable cartridges for epson?

    Hmh if those cartridges are so bad why do you still sell them on your ebay shop? Earning my living with sealing techology I have to say that the plugs have are poor design, they...