After all the level indicated by the chip is just a nice to have.
As you discovered, the printhead has an ink level sensor and will raise an error when the cart is really empty.
Only problem I am afraid is you need a cart with a non-empty chip to reset this.
As mentioned elsewhere the black channel was clogging more and more, I suspect the BK ink I used several years without problems lost quality (maybe the pigments sedimented).
I tried large format MBK, it solved the problem for some time, but not to my satisfaction.
I even...
As you experienced applying force is not the good method.
The PRO-10 printheads can live long if you print regularly - although one or two months wouldn't be a problem.
I had the best results with abandoned printheads by soaking in demineralized water with a drop of good hand dishwashing liquid...
Watch your nozzle checks with a magnifying glass and have a known working ink available to revert, but chances are it is possible.
PRO-10 printheads are rather sturdy.
I recently refilled my Maxify in despair with large format BK ink expired in 2009 :eek:.
The black nozzles were clogging more and more (using 3th party ink) and the GI-56 bottles were sold out.
I was fearing for the printhead.
After a few cleaning cycles the nozzle check was perfect again !
Still no no idea what the air intake is for ?
I stopped sealing the ink outlet after refilling.
Now I raise the back of the printer when changing carts (why else they are inclining forward for no other reason as making refilling as difficult as possible).
I am a bit confused
The file "CN_PP202_Pro10_GlossyII_MaxQuality.icm" has an internal description "FS_PlatEtchingET8550_MAT_V1"
It looks exactly the same as my PRO-10 profiles on glossy papers, so I suppose it is from the PRO-10 ?
The one named "CN_PP201_ET8550_UltraGlossy_HQ_v1.icc"
is a bit...
I do not print often on matte papers, only for posters (=temporarily use, not to frame).
First of all it doesn't work for all images, second I use the sliders to give more pop.
Mostly on the PRO-9500II to save my PRO-10.
I would be delighted when you attach the icc files ;)
Precision Colors has to do this since there are almost no refillable printers anymore.
Very inventive and courageous, but as long as you have a printer as easy as a PRO-10, why would you fill an ET8850 with 3th party pigment inks when the original dye inks are sold in bottles, have a high gamut...
It would be good ink for certain (and there is no other choice for CO).
Canon never said it is the same ink though.
I went for Lucia EX since it is somewhat cheaper per ml, about half price of PGI-72.
Ink IS expensive nowadays.
I used different mixes and roughly can say that the Lucia EX inks have a slightly higher gamut than PRO-10 OEM (no experience with PRO-1000 (Lucia PRO).
The original Lucia was used in the PRO-9500 and has a bit less gamut and gloss equality.
In most colours these inks are exchangeable with the...