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  1. SuperareTech

    Officejet L7580- air in ink tube?

    @websnail Where can I find the black dye printheads? (Sorry, I don't know how to quote) and how much would it cost? I don't have that much money to spend on this, so how much do they cost?
  2. SuperareTech

    Officejet L7580- air in ink tube?

    Thanks. Is it messy to re-prime the tube? I will probably try that. Also, the printheads working as small cartridges explains a bit more (I was pretty confused as to how this happened). Do most remanufactured cartridges use dye ink? I have noticed on printouts from them that it looks more like...
  3. SuperareTech

    Officejet L7580- air in ink tube?

    Anyone? I really could use some help! :idunno
  4. SuperareTech

    Officejet L7580- air in ink tube?

    Hello. I not-so-recently acuired an HP officejec L7580 for free. It sat in the basement for about a year, and now I have dug it out again to fix it. The first problem I noticed is that the tubes had air bubbles in them. I thought this was normal, so I bought some remanufactured cartridges off of...
  5. SuperareTech

    Review: Epson Kills the Printer Ink Cartridge

    This is a great idea. I hope it catches on with other manufacturers, because that would be another eco-friendly solution.
  6. SuperareTech


    Hi. I have been interested in printers for as long as I can remember. The main reason I came here was to fix an HP officejet l7580, as well as a few others. The one printer I would wish for is a Canon BJC 3000 or S450. My interests are also Lighting, air raid sirens, fans and old computers. I...