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  1. Harry Briels

    Filling 3800 Epson carts with Octopus Qu-Fill adapter

    In the past we had some discussions regarding the special syringe-tip Jtoolman is using in his video for filling OEM Epson Pro 3800, which is in my view, essential when filling these carts, but difficult to purchase. It is my experience that with just a syringe-needle, even in a slanted...
  2. Harry Briels

    iMac with OS 10.10 Yosemity and the Stylus Pro 3800

    Hello Pharmasist: My iMac's OS was Snow Leopard 10.6 and I therefore could not replace my Light Room 4.0 by installing Light Room 5.0. I could have installed the OS Maverick but since in the meantime Yosemite 10.10 became available it seemed logical to me to apply the most recent OS. Do you...
  3. Harry Briels

    iMac with OS 10.10 Yosemity and the Stylus Pro 3800

    I had OS 10.6 on my iMac and could not install Lightroom 5. So I am now going to use Yosemity, not because of new features but just to be able to use Light Room 5.0!
  4. Harry Briels

    iMac with OS 10.10 Yosemity and the Stylus Pro 3800

    I will have the new OS 10.10 installed on my iMac and wonder whether this requires me to install a new driver for my Stylus Pro 3800? I now have v9.22 I have read somewhere that some people are having problems printing with the 3800 after having switched to Yosemity on their iMac. Harry
  5. Harry Briels

    Using chip resetter for Epson OEM cart and maintenance tank for 3800

    Dear Joe, You are saying: ....and that's what I've saying all along.... If I understand you correctly, you would agree of me sending the three chips I can not reset, for you to reset these to full? I would love to do so, but I would need your mailing address and what the cost in US$ is for...
  6. Harry Briels

    Using chip resetter for Epson OEM cart and maintenance tank for 3800

    After three resetters I have to admit that I don't know what resetter will work! Another option would be to buy a resetter from somebody who knows that his resetter will work! Harry
  7. Harry Briels

    Using chip resetter for Epson OEM cart and maintenance tank for 3800

    Joe, it remains red, sometimes flashing. But again this same resetter did reset the other 6 carts! Joe where you say that "I should start a PRO 3800/3880 cart modifying and resetting business". I would be your first client! I would love to reset the other three carts to be able to go for using...
  8. Harry Briels

    Using chip resetter for Epson OEM cart and maintenance tank for 3800

    For the time being I am really fed up with trying to reset LK, LLK and LM. It is not a matter of technique applied because I managed to reset 6 carts and the maintenance kit. I stopped sending money to some obscure unknown Chinese companies of the Alibaba clan! Perhaps somebody, with a resetter...
  9. Harry Briels

    Changing one-way valve in a two way valve of Epson carts for Pro 3800

    I decided to use a set of refill cartridges with RCA for my Pro 3800 with IRK4 nano pigment ink. Everything went well, but then the magenta cartridge was not accepted by the 3800, because the cover-chip malfunctioned. I then decided to use the method developed by José Rodriguez (jtoolman) for...
  10. Harry Briels

    Using chip resetter for Epson OEM cart and maintenance tank for 3800

    Dear Joe, The third resetter which invested in, did not manage to reset my LK, LLK and LM chips; So I decided to give up on modifying the OEM Epson carts. I still hope that somehow I can reset these three carts. Harry
  11. Harry Briels

    Scott Kelby printer course and Epson paper profiles

    Thank you "the Hat" I am certainly old, but not too old to learn! Harry
  12. Harry Briels

    Scott Kelby printer course and Epson paper profiles

    I purchased a printer course "scott_dan epson printing", to become more comfortable with my 3800. This course in it self is not really very well set up and not really useful, full of unnecessary attempts "to be funny", sometimes difficult to understand and the first 4 chapters just offer...