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  1. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    Thank you very much for a thorough explanation of what "The Rendering Intent" does! I was a bit puzzled that so much was changed (even midtones) when changing the rendering intent. Not so much happened with semi glossy papers but a lot with matte papers. I will try your tip "to edit the image...
  2. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    Thank You Roy and The Hat! English isn't my native language so I don't always see and understand the nuances. But I try to learn! :idunno No one have answered my question about matte papers. I'll try to answer it myself and it doesn't seem to have to do with how the profile is made! I think...
  3. nrdlnd

    OBA or FWA good or bad? UV-cut or not?

    I have a lamp like this: I've been using it and the RC-paper SIHL Lustre glows a lot and regular document papers even more. the Sihl paper is difficult to calibrate. It looks ok in incandenscent light...
  4. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    OK I continue then :weee I now have a question to you pro printers and profilers! When I profiled a couple of satin/pearl papers of good quality (Canson Baryta Photographique, Canson Platine Fibre Rag and Museo Silver Rag) I liked my profiles better than the OEM profiles. Now I have profiled a...
  5. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    The obvious is that I'm new to this and I want to learn what may be obvious for you "pro". I thought that maybe someone also new to printing and especially profiling could have some help and not do the same mistakes that I've done. I've also given some helpful links to other sites that's not...
  6. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    Hi, Really funny looking profiles! I haven't seen anything like that when I profile with Argyll. :ep I'm trying out some papers and compare mfg:s profiles with my own profiles. I think my own profiles with the 720 patches chart look better than the manufacturers profiles. I dont know if they...
  7. nrdlnd

    OBA or FWA good or bad? UV-cut or not?

    Hi, I'm new to printing but I'm trying to learn with a rather fast pace. First selecting papers. There are a lot of good papers to print on. The more affordable papers ar the RC-papers. Everyone of them contain a lot of OBA (optical brightening agents) or FWA (fluorescent whitening agents). The...
  8. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    This is the chart that I ended with. I have used the template from the first link above (ericsantiago) but changed some things to get 720 patches and the format from letter to 297x210. The first attempt with chartread gave 10-15 faults during reading but the second only two. It's important to...
  9. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    Well this is what have come out of this so far :rolleyes: The Dell calibration solution does NOT support the i1 Pro Spectrophotometer. It lets you do both printer and display calibrations but then says: "Profile calibration is not licenced, please connect the right dongle". This is simply...
  10. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    :) I've just got the EyeOne Pro. It says nothing about UV-cut so it must be without UV-filter. It came with no software what so ever. It installed automatically in Win7. I have downloaded the diagnostic test from X-rite and it passes the test. This instrument must never have been used as the...
  11. nrdlnd

    Using ArgyllCMS + Colormunki to produce excellent printer profiles

    I hope this thread will not die... It's impressing what you guys are doing and I'm very thankful. I have got a Colormunki "Design" (the meter is the same as the Colormunki "Photo" but not the same software but works the same with Argyllcms). What bothers me is that it's an UV-cut instrument...
  12. nrdlnd

    Collective group buying: Inktec Powerchrome K3 high-glossy pigment ink

    Thank You for the answer and offer! I've finally found a datasheet of the Inktec Powerchrome K3 ink. It seems to be rather similar to OEM ink; a little less gamut, a little less density of the different inks except Magenta and LLBlack that's a little stronger. Yellow is equal. It's an ink with...
  13. nrdlnd

    An even easier way to Defeat The EPSON One Way Ink Valve!

    Very nice! I have a couple of questions. I am hearing impaired so most of the time I can't hear what you say on the video. You say something about a cross and I guess it has to do with the construction of the one way valve. What I dont understand (can't hear) is what you exactly do with the...
  14. nrdlnd

    Collective group buying: Inktec Powerchrome K3 high-glossy pigment ink

    Hello, I'm a new member of this group but I've already got lots of valuable information! I wonder if it's still possible to buy the Powerchrome K3 in a group buy? I need eight 250ml bottles with PK ink (no MK). It should be with the vivid magenta inks.