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  1. L

    A basic guide (see post #1) to setting up ARGYLL CMS profiling on your computer

    I'ed take a PRO-100 for $US 99 AND A4. I'll also take day-month-year, or it's inverse, and liters and meters and all the rest of the ISO standards. But then I'm an engineer and I just abhor u.s. standards.
  2. L

    A basic guide (see post #1) to setting up ARGYLL CMS profiling on your computer

    I prefer using -b, -A0.4, -P and -L as printtarg args. when using CM. The spacers are B&W and somewhat reduced in height. I had to experiment with the -A arg. inorder to achieve reasonable scans without too many errors. I also use -a1.1. This has allowed me to achieve 1024 patches on two Letter...
  3. L

    A basic guide (see post #1) to setting up ARGYLL CMS profiling on your computer

    I thought the "dog leg" was due to the measuring instruments inability to measure a luminance of 0. That's why I use a DTP94 to cal my monitors (known for having very good low light noise response).
  4. L

    A basic guide (see post #1) to setting up ARGYLL CMS profiling on your computer

    Specs please. Is Letter size OK? 8mm size patches OK? ...
  5. L

    A basic guide (see post #1) to setting up ARGYLL CMS profiling on your computer

    Anyone have a nice set of Argyll instructions for a Letter sized sheet? I have developed a 966 patch set, but it requires TWO letter sheets. The patches are, however, 8mm in width, which, as I understand are the minimum required for the Color Munki Photo. Actually, I've heard that the CMP is...
  6. L

    head alignment i9950

    The only difference I could think of is if the two different images had different embedded colour space profiles. Sometimes, quite often actually, test images for printing have NO embedded profile; which is as it should be. However, I don't know if the aforementioned difference would be enough...
  7. L

    A basic guide (see post #1) to setting up ARGYLL CMS profiling on your computer

    For those of us who use a non Windows OS; if you go to you can find "Installing" files for MAC and Linux. I have followed the instructions delineated for Linux and was pleasently supprised at the ease with which I could install Argyll. Now to get dispCal installed...
  8. L

    Underwhelmed By Pro-100

    So what would this test image be?
  9. L

    [SOLVED]Pro-100 Reset Network Configuration

    So I did it. I set my network configuration with "IP Address Filtering" enabled. Unfortunately it was the incorrect address; and now I can not access my printer via the wired ethernet. Anyone know how to reset the IP Address Filtering to disabled? I can only access the printer via USB. BTW...
  10. L

    Canon Ip4700

    The service tool is wherever you placed it when you downloaded it. You did DL it? If not see message 19, paragraph 1, sentence 1. Also see message 12, paragraph 1, sentence 1. Need any more clarification? Reread and comprehend all messages. Then, if needed, post another message. Someone may...
  11. L

    Pro-100 Way Off On Default Profiles

    I would try one more profile, something that would be close, even if it's not exactly the paper you're using. Make a print. From my reading of your posts it seems that the only problem is LR's software profiling view of what it thinks your print should look like. Correct? If that's the case the...
  12. L

    Pro-100 Way Off On Default Profiles

    Two questions: Does the monitor seem to have the correct profile running? Sometimes the CMS hickups and doesn't load the display profile, thus the 'TOO BRIGHT" display. Can you load other printer profiles and have them work correctly? Argyll's CMS can create an "inverse" profile. Loading that...
  13. L

    Can Anyone Suggest A Canon Wireless Printer Using Cli-8 Cartridges?

    Help us understand your wireless capabilities. Do you now have a wireless network or just a computer with wireless capability? Do you have a wired/wireless router? I personally like my PRO-100 (CLI-8 carts), wirelessly connected via a client-bridge router to another router (distance extension)...
  14. L

    Paper Paper Paper

    Did you try changing the "media" setting? Once had a sheet "float" away. A media setting change helped somewhat.
  15. L

    Linux & Printers

    Thanhhuy123 is correct. HP is a good brand. I've multi-boot my box, for more years than I care to recount, and can say that MINT 12, 13, and I think 14 have problems with complete control of some printers. They changed a communication protocol. Mint 15 works much better. I suggest you upgrade...
  16. L

    Shipping Large Prints

    Steam Iron them? Paper needs some moisture. But, as is obvious, not too much. the-hat is absolutely correct. Tubes are the only way to fully protect flats. Your clients will have to learn to re-roll them. Perhaps an instruction sheet in closed within the tube? IMHO never ship a print flat...
  17. L

    Which Os 4 Argyll .icc Generation?

    I have 3 OS's within my box. Which one should I use to create an "argyll cms" ICC. Or should I install argyll within each of them and create the ICC profiles? Seems like a lot of extra work. I'm planing to have both a display profile/calibration and many printer/paper/ink profiles.