My CR-10 is nearly back in bussiness !

The Hat

Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
Printer Model
Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
After what seemed like many months I received the new bracket I was waiting on to get my dear old CR-10 working again, this is the same type of extruder unit as is on my other CR-10.

It’s a different type of extruder unit and it doesn’t fit on the older mounting bracket, so there were quite a few things that needed altering, but once I got these sorted I levelled the bed and tried a test print to see how it went, it didn’t because I was getting a few reading errors..

So I went back to the original STL file and made a new Gcode, but not everything goes to plan when testing these printers ability to print, this time it wouldn’t read the SD card, or any SD, it’s the Feckin firmware playing funny buggers again.

I’ll give a day or two and try it again, it usually relents and accepts the SD card after a couple of try's, and then I'll see if can put her through her paces..
P.S. these extruder units usually run on 24 Volt, but this one is converted to 12 Volt..

new unit .jpg new unit 2 .jpg click to enlarge..

P1020278.jpg P1020282.jpg