You’ve wet our appetite,Forthcoming
I was the one suggested this system, but the Redsetter was introduced very soon after. It was with a peeping system I suggested when an empty cartridge was detected.I remember shortly after the PGI-5/CLI-8 cartridges were introduced and before the Redsetter was introduced that somebody suggested to build an extra infrared emitter and detector into the printers to constantly monitor the cartridge prisms and flash a LED or sound a beeper when an empty cartridge was detected.
I think I saw the idea on Shortly after a kit was available from E bay.
Ah, come on @mikling, you’ve had a chance to promote your new product idea here, but instead your threating us all like kindergarten kids, we’re only asking what it does and how you intend to it apply it, we’re not about to steal the Feckin thing.. have a bit more respect..Worries will be gone. It is a totally independent system not dependent on printer firmware.
You've learned enough.