"Noisy/Grainy" looking prints


Getting Fingers Dirty
Jan 10, 2021
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon Pro 100
I recently purchased an Epson XP-15000.
In my prints no matter what setting or media I'm choosing I seem to be getting "grainy" images especially in lighter areas of the prints.
I have attached photos comparing the Epson against a pro-100 and the original source image
When looking up close it looks like individual "ink drops" are present, especially on the colour bars image, the others simply look "grainy"
ColourBarsCanon.png<- Canon ColourBarsEpson.png<- Epson ColourBarsOG.png <- Original Image

The Epson looks like it is struggling to make lighter shades of any colour.
These were scanned on the same scanner, and then cropped in photoshop and exported with the same setting so that any compression and artifacts should be similar between them (even the original image) It is kind of hard to show exactly what it looks like in person but I did my best to choose the examples that show it the most.

I have had the printer for about 2 weeks and I am refilling using precision colours inks.
The "issue" was present on Original Epson cartridges.
The internal temperature is around 22c and about 15-25% RH
I have done 2 additional alignments and no change to the apparent "grainess"
Printing normally on Wireless drivers, but it is still present when printing over USB drivers
If there is any other information I need to provide please let me know.

I'm not sure if I am just looking too close or was spoiled by the pro-100 print quality?
I don't want to have a defective printer/printhead and not realize until it gets worse.

Thank you in advance for any help.


  • BabyCanon.png
    957.3 KB · Views: 485
  • BabyEpson.png
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  • BabyOG.png
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  • TargetCanon.png
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  • TargetEpson.png
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  • TargetOG.png
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Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Printer Model
Canon MB5120, Pencil
The "issue" was present on Original Epson cartridges.
Have you called Epson Tech Support? The printer is under warranty, right?

Your Canon Pro 100 was defective from the beginning and you ignored it. You didn't call Canon and it turned into a mess for you. I can understand you accepting something you sensed was wrong once, but twice? Why haven't you called Epson immediately?

You should also know by now, after your Canon debacle, to post nozzle checks. The images you posted are useful but where's a nozzle check?

Speaking of Canon, are the images you posted from your troubled Pro-100? If so then their utility is suspect.

Printing normally on Wireless drivers, but it is still present when printing over USB drivers
Confusing. Please clarify.

What paper are you using and the driver settings?

Have you tried different papers/settings? Which ones?

What ICC printer profile are you using?

What application are you printing from?

The questions apply to both the Epson and the Canon images.

"BabyOG"? In US culture today, "OG" stands for "Original Gangster".


Getting Fingers Dirty
Jan 10, 2021
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon Pro 100
With the Pro-100 I had no idea there was an issue that was presenting, as the prints looked fantastic to my eyes until they didn't lol, and I was always used to printers leaving ink in the cartridges.
With this, I also don't know that it is an "issue", but yes I have emailed Epson so far, will call Monday or Tuesday during their business hours.

Sorry about no nozzle check, I will always post one from now on lol
I scanned and cropped, but I'm not sure how these are meant to look, they are also "dotty" as in I can see very small gaps between ink droplets it is most prominent on Black as shown below


Are the Epsons meant to be a solid line?

Yes, that image is from the now broken Pro-100, but these prints were from about a month before the issue presented. (I know still a problem that is also why I included the Original image)

The papers I have used for the Epson are
  • Canon Pro Luster
    • Driver settings used
    • Ultra Premium Photo Paper Luster High Quality
    • Premium Photo Paper Semi-Gloss High Quality
    • Ultra Premium Photo Paper Glossy Best Quality
  • Canon Glossy Plus II
    • Ultra Premium Photo Paper Glossy Best Quality
    • Premium Photo Paper Glossy High Quality
  • Canon Matter Paper
    • Premium Presentation Paper Matte High Quality
    • Presentation Paper Matte High Quality
    • Ultra Premium Photo Paper Glossy Best Quality
And a few random brand photo (staples, HP, costco) papers all on Ultra Premium Photo Paper Glossy Best/High Quality
Best Quality is only available for Ultra Premium Photo Paper Glossy
ICC is the same for the printer driver setting used
Typically Ultra Photo Glossy or Luster

The one I scanned is the Canon Pro Luster With Epson Ultra Premium Photo Paper Luster High Quality
For the Canon the Paper was the Canon Glossy Plus II used with the ICC included with the pro 100 (glossy A) and Glossy Photo Paper A driver settings

I printed with Photoshop, Lightroom and a trial of Qimage all with the same result.

Confusing. Please clarify.
I normally print over Wifi but have tested over USB, same results.

"BabyOG"? In US culture today, "OG" stands for "Original Gangster".
Opps I was going for Original 🤦‍♂️


  • NozzleCheckEpson1.png
    296.6 KB · Views: 424


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon MB5120, Pencil
Some of the times you have been comparing apples to oranges. You have used the Epson with aftermarket inks and non-OEM papers with ICC's not designed for the three components of printer, paper and ink. You will most likely get lesser quality prints than the OG's.

Some of the times you are using a potentially defective Canon printer that we cannot know the accuracy of its output.

In other words, your situation is complicated and your rapidly changing printing habits do not make it easier to resolve things at this point.

Yes, it looks like there is room for improvement. Complicating the issue is your shotgun approach, which is fantastic you are trying different things, but you need to establish a baseline of what your new printer can do. The easiest way to grasp the capabilities of the printer is to first use all OEM products that your printer was designed to use.

You may find a paper manufacturer that has ICC printer profiles for your printer. Alas, Precision Colors does not appear to have any custom ICC profiles for your printer and their ink set. As long as the ICC printer profile you are using was not made with your printer model, Precision Colors inks and the specific paper you are using then all bets are off on your satisfaction with the print.

There is no "one size fits all" paper or ICC profile. It will take more experimentation or having a custom ICC profile.

You need to discuss your situation with one of the Epson knowledgeable folks on the forum. You might also want to ask questions of Precision Colors as to the seemingly poor output results you have been having with their inks. Who best knows their inks but them.

Good luck.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Jan 10, 2021
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon Pro 100
Do ICC profiles affect "quality/resolution" as in the laying of ink?
I assumed they were just for colour and the media selection was what determined more of the way the ink was placed?
I know it may not be the most relevant to the issue, but I love to learn.

I did do a test print straight away with OEM ink and the issue was still present, so that should help to take one variable away (maybe)
I don't have any Epson paper, unfortunately (as I came from that canon) and it would take over 2 weeks if I ordered today
But I do have a trial set of Hahnemuhle paper, they did make iccs for the XP-15000, but now I don't have other OEM cartridges to test with (again 2 weeks if I ordered today to deliver)

What is more likely in this situation so I can best plan what to do:
1. that the printhead is defective in some way and not printing as it is.
2. some combination of ink/paper/profile is causing this issue?

If this might be another defective printer (I sure have great luck 🤣🤣🤣) I would want to start a return or exchange asap

If 2 I can possibly try ordering new papers and inks all OEM and Epson and try from there.

Also long shot, but is there anyone with an XP-15000 that also has any of the papers I described,
Canon Pro Luster/Canon Glossy Plus II/Canon Matter Paper or even some HP papers?

I see what you did there 🙃