Recent content by pkk

  1. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Hello again All, I hate being the problem child but after making several profiles successfully I cannot get Argyll to make the profile. The entire process looks normal with the creation of the T1, T2 , & T3 files, they appear to read normally, and the colprof seems to run normally but It makes...
  2. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Gentlemen, you have been MORE than helpful. Making these profiles with Argyll has a pretty steep learning curve and you are both helping me get to the next level. Thanks again!!
  3. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Here is a completely new profile from the 9880 on Epson semimatte. I used all of the suggested techniques for scanning the targets.
  4. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    I've attached another profile on the semimatte paper. We can at leasat see if the paper is the problem. Thanks again.
  5. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    I'm paddling hard to keep up with you gentlemen so I'll have to ask: Is this problematic reflected light coming from the devise or is it ambient light?
  6. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    I will rescan the semimatte targets. All of this discussion is good for me, gentlemen, as I have much to learn about making printer profiles. I want to learn to read them myself. One thing at a time though. Thanks again for the input.
  7. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Yes these are 924 patch targets. I will try your 875 target soon. I use Epson K3 ink except in the 3880 I have Cone carbon black in the matte black channel. But that is not a factor in either of these as they are both done with PK. Thanks again, Pharmacist! I'll be doing more of these next week.
  8. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Okay! And thanks again for taking a look at these.
  9. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    I've successfully made one profile since I installed the latest version of Argyll. I used an Xrite i1 Pro and I will be making more over this weekend. I would like to send you a few to see what you think of them. How would I do that?
  10. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Yes that was my experience too. After installing Argyll 3.2.0 and the driver it did not need a reboot.
  11. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Thanks again for the quick reply. I will take a close look at your method and use it on some profiles. I have a backlog of papers that need profiling. Is there any way I can send you a few for you to look at? I will be out of town until Thurs do I can't reply until then.
  12. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Okay, I decided to go ahead and install the latest version of Argyll. I had been holding off because I didn't want to introduce another variable but I did a separate install of 3.2.0. I can't say for sure what changed in the driver install page but it installed perfectly. I just made my first...
  13. P

    ArgyllCMS 875-patch printer profile with i1Pro 2

    Hello All and thanks, Pharmacist for posting this. You inspired me a few years ago to get an i1Pro and Argyllcms to make printer profiles, which I did successfully. But I just got it out to profile another printer and when I go to chartread ( I use LittleArgyllGUI) to read the target I get this...
  14. P

    Pro 1000 manual feed stopped working.

    Hello All. Has anyone else had the manual rear feed on the Pro 1000 just stop working? No sound or attempt to grab the paper. I hope it is a minor fix. Thanks in advance.
  15. P

    Pro 1000 only prints part of image

    I'm considering ethernet because of this problem with the USB connection. I had an intermittent problem with another device connecting to at least one of the USB ports. And when a printer acts up I loose a nice big sheet of canvas along with some ink. So I'm looking at ethernet if this problem...