Paul Mohney

My recently deceased first wife, gave me a Pixma Pro 9000 MKii just before she died, It was new in the box,never used
So this is my first ever real printer, and it does all kinds of tricks.
There is a Finestra Art photo paper dist place 2 blocks from where my daughter works,, so I've been wallowing around with their stuff, and Epson has some nice paper, that makes some my B&W stuff, just about jumps off of the page. And then there's Red River.And there are others I'm sure I will want to try.
I am reading the FAQs, etc to see what I can learn.
Nice place here love what you've done with it
Paul in Norwalk
Oct 21, 1948 (Age: 76)
SoCal between downtown disney and down town L.A.
Printer Model
Pixma Pro 9000 pro Mk ii


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