Recent content by Fujisan

  1. Fujisan

    [I-SENSYS LBP613cdw] Need assistance troubleshooting an Error E015-0000

    Yeah, that was what looking up the specific error in question got me; that there was something wrong with the motor. The connections are definitely not an issue, since if it truly was the printer wouldn't have started in the first place, much less spool up, warm up, and start correcting the...
  2. Fujisan

    [I-SENSYS LBP613cdw] Need assistance troubleshooting an Error E015-0000

    No, unfortuntely. It was purchased in 2020 on a one-year warranty; said warranty expired in 2021 (T_T)
  3. Fujisan

    [I-SENSYS LBP613cdw] Need assistance troubleshooting an Error E015-0000

    What is happening? (1: Upon startup, the printer spools up for a few seconds before...balking, for lack of a better word, stopping dead what it was doing in it's tracks and displaying the error message. (2: It used to, whenever it recieves and executes a print job, spin up, pull up a sheet of...