Using the coordinates from the Google Earth image I found the house in Google Earth Street View. The quality is not as good as the image uploaded by Emulator:
View attachment 4283
Using the free Irfan View I cranked up the saturation and got something like Emulator's image, but of course in a much lower quality:
View attachment 4284
Irfan view can also desaturate an image with too vivid colours and make the grass look more natural, here I made Emulators image look more like the one from Google Earth Street View:
View attachment 4286
I suggest to try out the Irfan View program. It's free and can do much more than you would think when you open it for the first time. Remember to also download and install the plugins. IIRC Canons free "Easy Photo Print" has a vivid colour setting that also increases the saturation.